triple the potatoes

What is Triple the Potatoes?

Triple the Potatoes is a revolutionary method of growing potatoes that can triple your yield! Instead of planting just one potato in the ground, this method involves planting three in a specially designed container that allows the potatoes to grow vertically. This not only saves space, but also allows for better ventilation and nutrient absorption, resulting in healthier and more abundant potato plants.

How to Grow Triple the Potatoes

The first step in growing Triple the Potatoes is to choose the right container. You can use a variety of containers, including buckets, barrels, or even old tires, as long as they are at least 18 inches deep and have drainage holes. Fill the container with soil until it reaches about 6 inches from the top.
Next, cut three seed potatoes into pieces, making sure each piece has at least two eyes. Plant the seed potato pieces in the soil, making sure they are evenly spaced and about 2 inches deep. Cover the potatoes with soil and water them well.
As the potatoes start to grow, continue to add soil to the container until it reaches the top. This will encourage the potatoes to grow vertically, rather than horizontally. Make sure to water the potatoes regularly and fertilize them every two weeks with a high-potassium fertilizer.


Q: Can I grow Triple the Potatoes in a small space?

A: Yes! Triple the Potatoes is perfect for small gardens or even for growing on balconies or patios. The vertical design of the container saves space and allows you to grow more potatoes in a smaller area.

Q: Will Triple the Potatoes work with any type of potato?

A: Yes, you can use any type of potato to grow Triple the Potatoes. However, it's important to choose seed potatoes that are disease-free and have not been treated with any chemicals.


Triple the Potatoes is an innovative way to grow more potatoes in a smaller space. By using a specially designed container and planting three seed potatoes instead of one, you can triple your yield and enjoy a bountiful harvest. Follow these simple steps and you'll be on your way to growing your own Triple the Potatoes!